

英漢字典: get back

1. return to one's starting point 回來;返回原地

    I expect my wife to get back at about eight tonight. 我盼望我妻子今晚8點回來。

    She got back home dead tired. 她回到家裡累得要命。

2. regain 取回;收回

    Stop worrying about the money you lent him. You'll get it back. 不要擔心借給他的錢,你會收回的。

    I am unwilling to lend books,be cause it's so difficult to get them back. 我不願借書出去,因為索還是太難了。

    You can't get back your youth once it's gone. 青春一去不復返。

3. go to a reasonable,sensible distance;stand away 讓開;閃開;後退

    The police had great difficulty in making the curious crowd get back and let the ambulance through. 警察費了很大的勁才使那些好奇的人群讓開,使救護車開過去。

    Get back! The wall is collapsing. 閃開!牆要倒了。

4. return sth. or sb. to its or his place 使某物或某人回到原處;還回;送回

    He took the spring out of the clock,but now he can't get it back. 他把鐘裡的發條拿了出來,但現在放不進去了。

    If you take my son out for a drive, you must promise to get him back before 5. 如果你要開車帶我兒子出去玩,你得答應5點之前把他送回來。

    I got the book back before he noticed it was missing. 我把書及時還了回去,免得他以為書丟了。

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